Home Tony Owen

Tony Owen

Tony Owen is the current Director of Interactive Technology at NVE Experience Agency in Beverly Hills, California. Tony writes about creative technologies and interactive applications.

Volkswagen creates mobile basketball hoops at empty parking spots

Volkswagen creates mobile basketball hoops at empty parking spots, giving the city back to its inhabitants. Volkswagen wanted to ask the question, what if we start treating parking spaces differently? It’s time to give the city back to the people. This is Volksparking by Volkswagen. Visit NVE Experience Agency to learn more about elevating your […]

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Flying People in New York City!

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Flying People in New York City! Just kidding, it’s actually some specially outfitted drones that look like flying people being flown through New York City! Visit NVE Experience Agency to learn more about elevating your next experiential marketing program.

Advice from Above: The Miller Lite Summer Kick Back

Check out this awesome experiential stunt from Miller Lite. Visit NVE Experience Agency to learn more about elevating your next experiential marketing program.    

Spotify is Hiring an Experiential Marketing Manager!

Spotify is looking for a creative live music marketing manager and producer that will join our growing specialist team to bring the story of our global community to life through experiences that connect music makers, fans and local scenes. Based on user behaviors, our department develops scalable strategies and toolkits that help teams present our […]

Toyota gets experiential with the Prius

Visit NVE Experience Agency to learn more about elevating your next experiential marketing program.

Check out Volume by United Visual Artists

Visit NVE Experience Agency to learn more about elevating your next experiential marketing program.

Experiential Retargeting combining Big Screen and RFID Tech Melts Hearts to Find New Dog Owners

Experiential Marketing techniques can be combined with digital marketing technologies in order to create some really unique ideas. Check out this experiential advertising stunt which combines a big screen and really cool RFID Technology. Using hand-out flyers integrated with RFID Technology, Battersea was able to retarget individuals who were interested in adopting an animal by […]

See the Dreamland Behind This Mysterious Oreo Storefront in L.A.

Iconic Cookie brand opens its latest wonder vault installation In February, a weird door in the shape of an Oreo suddenly appeared on 18th street between 7th and 8th avenues in New York City. Promising untold wonders of cryptic cookie greatness. Now Los Angeles gets it’s turn to put it’s hand in the cooookie jar. Oreo’s […]

Connected Worlds – Interactive ecosystem for NYSCI by Design I/O

The installation is comprised of six interactive ecosystems spread out across the walls of the Great Hall and connected together by a 3000 sqft interactive floor and a 45ft high waterfall. Visitors can use physical logs to divert water flowing across the floor from the waterfall into the different environments, where children can then use their […]


Check this awesome interactive pong game.Visit NVE Experience Agency to learn more about elevating your next experiential marketing program.

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Experiential.News is dedicated to providing you with the latest in experiential marketing news and information from the marketing industry. We share interesting and inspiring concepts and activations by the entire marketing industry. If you’ve got an interesting piece of content you’d like to share you can submit your own videos up at the top of this page.