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3D Lighting Projection Integrates with Dancer’s Moves in Realtime
“COMMON GROUND” – A collaborative kinetic art installation about connecting America
The 2016 election is finally upon us and instead of taking to social media to voice concerns about the issues of their communities and our nation, groups of artists from diverse regions and backgrounds joined forces to create a conceptual Rube Goldberg machine that connected America as part of the project, Common Ground. The end […]
Check out Volume by United Visual Artists
The Prius Wind Tunnel Piano
Visit NVE Experience Agency to learn more about elevating your next experiential marketing program.
Ride a Johnny Quest-Worthy Hoverboard in This Installation
As students in the Université du Québec à Montréal’s Immersive Environments and Interactivity Course, the trio created HVBRD, an immersive audiovisual installation that takes users into a rose-colored, generative world. Check it out! Visit NVE Experience Agency to learn more about elevating your next experiential marketing program.