Home Tag "event marketing"

The Baby Stroller Test-Ride

Gurgles and coos are notoriously difficult to interpret, making it difficult to choose the perfect baby stroller. Countours built an experiential activation to allow parents to test drive their new baby stroller to give them a better idea of how they ride! Check out the video! Visit NVE Experience Agency to learn more about elevating […]

Tough Trash

Using Sound Waves to Shake Tequila

Recently we’ve been seeing a burst of integrated campaigns in the advertising world where brands are using sound vibrations to create beautiful compositions of liquids, which are pretty unpredictable. Sounds are created through particular frequencies, which can be seen through fluids like Ferrofluid or even tequila. Grey Canada created the video for Ultra tequila. Check […]

Harpa Light Organ

HARMONY IS COLOUR. PITCH IS POSITION. STRENGTH IS BRILLIANCE. For a few days in February 2016, visitors of Harpa Music Hall in Reykjavík were invited to play the façade of the building as they would an instrument. A “light organ” was placed on the 4th floor balcony, with a stunning view of the inside of […]

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Experiential.News is dedicated to providing you with the latest in experiential marketing news and information from the marketing industry. We share interesting and inspiring concepts and activations by the entire marketing industry. If you’ve got an interesting piece of content you’d like to share you can submit your own videos up at the top of this page.