MillerCoors and the IPG Media Lab, announced the launch of Miller Lite On-Demand, a revolutionary suite of connected home services that modernize the beer shopping experience. The newly launched services include a voice-activated Amazon Alexa skill and a custom AWS IoT Button. Both will restock your fridge with Miller Lite within the hour. These capabilities are the first in a series of […]
Check out this Awesome Interactive Touch Wall
Visit NVE Experience Agency to learn more about elevating your next experiential marketing program.
3D Lighting Projection Integrates with Dancer’s Moves in Realtime
Check out Disney’s The Mad Hatter Surprise featuring Johnny Depp
This Augmented Reality Future Looks like a Living Hell
Perhaps this is why Augmented Reality has failed to catch on. The same intrusive advertising and spamming which has consumed the world wide web will inevitably consume the Augmented Reality world as well. Visit NVE Experience Agency to learn more about elevating your next experiential marketing program.
The Prius Wind Tunnel Piano
Visit NVE Experience Agency to learn more about elevating your next experiential marketing program.