The John Wick 2 Chatbot Experience
The interactive experience, created by Jam3, involves an SMS/MMS based chatbot that uses AI and image recognition to let fans “chat with a master assassin,” entangling them in a new assassination plot and its key characters. The chatbot experience culminates in an entrance into a sweepstakes for a trip for two to Rome plus spending […]
The adidas Predator Augmented Reality Experience
Amazing work here by Jam3. Visit NVE Experience Agency to learn more about elevating your next experiential marketing program.
Doritos Gets Really High for Their 50th.
Disney’s haptic jacket pushes VR and AR further
BABS: Big Ass Beat Sequencer – Behind the Scenes
Popeyes Marinating Machine
Intel CES — Interactive Storytelling at CES with BMW i8 Mixed Reality Experience
Driven By Emotion — Interactive Data-visualization
Check out this awesome emotion detection, system which reacts with a large dynamic visual installation in realtime. Great work by nocomputer. Visit NVE Experience Agency to learn more about elevating your next experiential marketing program.
Mixed Reality Capture Studios from Microsoft
Create holographic video of people and performances for your mixed reality, virtual reality, and augmented reality experiences. Mixed Reality Capture Studios are now open San Francisco, Seattle, and London. Learn more at: