Home Tag "event marketing"

Nikon Presents The Vision Food Truck

Check out this excellent food truck activation which tests attendee’s vision in order to get their food order in! More more you see the more burger you receive! Food trucks are an excellent addition to any event! Easy access to quality grub makes any attendee smile. Visit NVE Experience Agency to learn more about elevating […]

The world sees Dyslexia as a disadvantage. It’s not. Visit the Dyslexic Sperm Bank.

The world sees dyslexia as a disadvantage. It’s not. This film highlights how far peoples’ understanding of dyslexia still needs to change. One in ten people are dyslexic, accounting for more than 6.5 million people in the United Kingdom yet only 3% of people think it is a positive trait (YouGov research 2017). Visit NVE […]

Jam3’s ‘Invisible Highway’ flexes Google’s new AR software dev kit

Engaging millennials with gamification: Gabe Zichermann at TEDxBroadway

Engaging millennials with gamification: Gabe Zichermann at TEDxBroadway In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized […]

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Experiential.News is dedicated to providing you with the latest in experiential marketing news and information from the marketing industry. We share interesting and inspiring concepts and activations by the entire marketing industry. If you’ve got an interesting piece of content you’d like to share you can submit your own videos up at the top of this page.